Truth Obligates - The Thinking Housewife
February 28, 2017

Menuhin is a courageous man — a cultured intellectual reduced to the most infantile, bigoted and deceitful characterizations by a herd of infantile, bigoted and deceitful propagandists. He is not a “Holocaust denier,” but a hero.
Perhaps only a person of Jewish ancestry could write so fearlessly on such a forbidden topic. His book is filled with important historical information from primary sources and daring opinions. Menuhin believes the war should not have been fought at all.
At times, his opinions are harsh, as Jews sometimes can be toward themselves, and I don’t agree with them all, but he is not a “Holocaust denier” and, in fact, there are no “Holocaust deniers,” at least not any that are taken seriously. No one sane questions the fact that hundreds of thousands of Jews died in concentration camps in Germany, a terrible disaster brought about toward the end of the war when the Allies bombed the supply lines into the camps, where Jews, whose leaders had declared war on Germany in 1933, worked in armaments factories and miserably awaited deportation. What Menuhin and many other abused, hounded and slandered historical revisionists do deny is that anywhere close to six million died, that gas chambers existed and that there was a plan to exterminate European Jewry. Menuhin has thus earned more slurs: “self-hating Jew” and “anti-Semitic Jew.”
A reviewer at Amazon writes:
Mr. Menuhin does more to honor the real
victims of the Holocaust, than any other, since he shames the lies
proliferated in their names, and restores their dignity and well earned
memory. Furthermore, this is the kind of literature that will contribute
to mitigating antisemitism, and not the EU Holocaust laws passed to
penalize and imprison those who express those sentiments.
Another reviewer writes:
I have still not managed to finish the
book. I had to stop several times because for an half-awakened, still
half-indoctrinated German it was too much to take in. Many times I
reread parts with tears in my eyes. Too many lies. So much hatred
against us which we just ignored. So much destruction of our country,
our culture our people we were told was deserved but in fact was just to
crush our natural economic development. I now believe that our biggest
weakness is our honesty. It makes us incapable to recognize the lies
against us. A musician myself I am proud to say that I have met Yehudi
Menuhin in person but I now believe that his son Gerard will leave an
even deeper mark in human history than his father.
In writing his book, Menuhin fell into one of the most vilified of
coteries. Who knows how long it will be before he is arrested and put in
jail. In the Spanish Inquisition, people were incarcerated for telling
lies. In the modern Inquisition, people are jailed for telling the
truth.He writes of his motives:
I, perceiving the truth about past and
present events, merely tried to correct their interpretation, not
realizing when I started, that any revelations I might experience and
try to communicate in no way disturbed this sequence, could not upset
its sway, and only endangered me and made me ridiculous to those in the
know and, with the exception of a few, unintelligible to those who are
Yet, as the German saying has it: “Truth obligates; who keeps silent concurs.” (Wahrheit verpflichtet, wer schweigt stimmt zu.)
Peace between humans should be the norm
on Earth. Yet to achieve this normal state requires all our energy. My
father said:“Peace may sound simple—one beautiful word—but it requires
everything we have, every quality, every strength, every dream, every
high ideal.”
My father tried to generate peace with his music. I have inherited a duty to do the same in the only way I can.
Tell the Truth intersperses history with memoir. (His method
is confusing at times.) Menuhin is an atheist. I don’t share his lack
of regard for the faith of the ancient Israelites. He is not the only
historical revisionist who does not believe in, appreciate or understand
God’s former Covenant with the Jews. Nevertheless, despite this
blindness, his book is a compelling account of an historical and
personal awakening.Here is an excerpt:
As the captive audience of my mother’s
recollections of the Blitz, I habitually tuned out or deleted most of
her repetitive anecdotes, out of resentment. I regret this now, as a
clearer firsthand account of life in wartime London, however edited,
would have been informative. But the very manner of my mother’s
monologues hindered questions, which would have been considered mere
interruptions of the scheduled broadcast.
Associated topics included the
“Wirtschaftswunder” years, the miracle of postwar German industrial
reconstruction, to which my mother alluded during my parents’ few visits
to my German school, in 1957. At nine, I was unsurprisingly unaware of
this phenomenon, or of the incongruity of two advanced Anglo-Saxon
nations destroying each other. About fifteen years later, I heard an
irascible colonel on American radio voice a fitting verdict: “For the
British and the Germans to be fighting each other was an inappropriate
encounter situation.” All the Germans I knew were unfailingly pleasant
and remarkable only for seeming each to possess the same model of shiny
dark blue suit, in retrospect perhaps in itself an indication of their
striving toward a return to bourgeois standards. The schoolchildren at
Hermannsberg were also models of normality, in that, in their free time,
they were chiefly occupied with games/sports, amusement, music and
outdoor pastimes. That their ancestors and mine could have been incited
to kill each other never occurred to me. The only reference to the war
that I remember is of a glancing remark I overheard as I was drying
myself after the morning shower, when two older boys were exchanging
hearsay about the fate of German POWs in Russian captivity. Although it
was typical of schoolboys’ gossip, the morbid subject naturally
impressed me at the time.
Since then, I have learned much, some of
it by reflection, some from books and records of and about the time,
which by their copious footnotes and corroborative contents and
cross-referencing, confirm that the sympathy I have always felt for this
much-maligned and mistreated people is justified. In fact, I never gave
the subject much thought, occupied as I was with my daily drudgery,
until the Nineties, when, while I was ordering the contents of my
deceased grandparents’ house, I chanced on a copy of the National Zeitung,
the patriotic German newspaper to which my grandfather had contributed a
column for several years during the Sixties. He had devoted his life,
by means of books and articles, to supporting the Palestinians, among
whom he had lived as a boy, during the first decade of the 20th century.
A Russian-Jewish immigrant, he had experienced much kindness from the
local Arabs and had taken stock of the attitude and expectations of some
of the Jewish settlers.
The newspaper commanded respect, with its
simple Maltese/Iron Cross logo and boldly independent informative
stance. Although it entered my thoughts only intermittently, my ambition
to communicate with its publisher and friend of my grandfather’s grew
over the years, in measure as I was subjected to various revelations.
No mission to discover a universal truth
inspired me, rather a wish to understand my times and the development of
the world, in particular to explain to myself this catastrophic caesura
during the1940s, a warp not only in time, but in Western European
character, during which the fathers and grandfathers of my German
classmates had allegedly done the unspeakable.
So hideous and shameful had been their
crimes then that they had even acquired their own appellation.By
inducing a particular bias into a hitherto neutral English word, a
commodious new orthodoxy was invented, so powerful that its regular,
ubiquitous invocation by the media had placed the entire Western world
under its spell. How could this be?
Due to the exceptional nature of the
twelve years of National Socialism, a large and growing body of lurid
fiction and alleged fact has materialized, based on its dramatic
superficialities rather than onany study or comprehension of its
socialist policies, and inspired by a particular agenda. Sobriety
rejects sensationalism. A perusal of reputable historical sources, some
of them quite hard to find, helped me to form my own opinion. The most
powerful persuasion, however, did not come from the rather dry accounts
in my reading, but from the perfectly straightforward deduction that a
people with the traditions and culture of the Germans did not almost
overnight become barbarians and commit mass murder. Their military did
not lose its humanity just because it was accustomed to obeying orders.
Most tellingly, the descendants of these
reputed monsters could not have been the absolutely average children who
surrounded me daily while I was at school in Germany, children who
could have come from anywhere.
Three of the best known works on the Second World War are General Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe (New York: Doubleday [Country Life Press], 1948), Winston Churchill’s The Second World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle
(Paris: Plon, 3 vols., 1954-1959). In these three works not the least
mention of Nazi gas chambers is to be found. Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle’s three-volume Mémoires de guerre
is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061
pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to
1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi “gas chambers,” a
“genocide” of the Jews, or of “six million” Jewish victims of the war.
Robert Faurisson, “The Detail (the alleged Nazi gas chambers),” The
Journal of Historical Review, March-April 1998 (Vol. 17, No. 2), pages
The 6 million figure, in connection with
the claimed suffering of European Jews, appeared regularly in North
American newspapers of record at least since 1915 (The Sun, June 6,
1915), presumably to prepare the ground among emotionally labile readers
for the time when testimony to support such a claim could confidently
be manufactured. The use of “holocaust” in this context was introduced as early as 1936 (New York Times,
May 31, 1936). [emphasis added] “Russian imperial leaders had long been
suspicious of the Jews, and largely banished them to the so-called Pale
of Settlement that was established in western Russia in the 1790s.
Beginning in the 1880s, western media issued exaggerated reports of
slaughters, pogroms, and assorted massacres among the Russian Jews
there, whose aggregate numbersof victims were nearly always
recorded—astonishingly—as ‘6 million.’” The New York Times carried
periodic such reports. See, for example: January 26, 1891: “Rabbi
Gottheil says a word on the persecution of the Jews: ‘. . . about 6
million persecuted and miserable wretches’.”),
September 21, 1891: “An indictment of
Russia . . . a total of 6,000,000 is more nearly correct.” June 11,
1900: “[In Russia and central Europe] there are 6,000,000 living,
bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.” March 23, 1905: “We
Jews in America [sympathize with] our 6,000,000 cringing brothers in
March 25, 1906: “Startling reports of the
condition and future of Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews. . . .” The situation
led a former president of B’nai B’rith to a prophetic exclamation:
“Simon Wolf asks how long the Russian Holocaust is to continue.”
(November 10, 1905) (Inconvenient History)
Forty years before the Holocaust story gradually took shape in 1942, both the number and the precise terminology were used:
Startling reports of the condition and
future of Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews were made on March 12 in Berlin to the
annual meeting of the Central Jewish Relief League of Germany by Dr.
Paul Nathan, a well-known Berlin publicist, who has returned from an
extensive trip through Russia as the special emissary of Jewish
philanthropists in England, America and Germany, to arrange for
distribution of the relief fund of $1,500,000 raised after the massacres
last autumn. He left St. Petersburg with the firm conviction that the
Russian government’s studied policy for the “solution” to the Jewish question is systematic and murderous extermination. (New York Times, March 25, 1906) (author’s italics)
One does wonder who these “philanthropists” were, who sent the good doctor on his mission.
How dare the smooth talkers, the clever
official blabbers, open their mouths and boast of progress. . . . Here
they hold jubilant peace conferences in which they talk against war. . .
. But the same righteous Governments, who are so nobly, industriously
active to establish the eternal peace, are preparing, by their own
confession, complete annihilation for 6 million people, and
there is nobody, except the doomed themselves, to raise his voice in
protest although this is a worse crime than any war. . . . (Max Nordau,
Zionist Congress 1911, Basel/Perfidy by Ben Hecht, page 254, 1962; author’s italics)
The Appeal—To save Six million Men and
Women in Eastern Europe from Extermination by Hunger and Disease. The
Obligation—It is the duty of every person in New York to give the utmost
he can spare to relieve the greatest need the world has ever known
(advertisement, New York Times, May 5, 1920)
The Bible is full of “burnt sacrifices,”
which evidently pleased God (e.g., Leviticus 1:14-17 details all the
mumbo-jumbo pertaining to burnt sacrifices). Apparently, Jewish
prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must vanish before
the state of Israel can be formed: “You shall return minus 6 million.”
Those 6 million had to disappear in “burning ovens.” So 6 million Jews
had to be gassed and end up in burning ovens to fulfill the prophecies
and satisfy the Talmud Torah dogmatists—a necessary adjunct to the
financial entrepreneurs—of Israel’s legitimacy, according to their
covenant with their God.
There have been—and indeed continue to
be—many efforts to memorialize the Jews murdered in the Holocaust, but
this effort of the surviving Hassidic masters stands out. The Zohar
records that there are 600,000 letters in the Torah. Truth be told, our
scrolls have far fewer letters—304,805 to be exact. Thus the number
600,000 cannot refer merely to a different text of the Bible, for the
discrepancy is too great. The number 600,000 could therefore be
considered a symbolic number.
One of the later mystics, Rabbi Natan
Nata Shapiro of Krakow (Megaleh Amukot, 1585-1633) wrote that this
number corresponds to the 600,000 Jewish souls that exist. Sure there
are more people than that, but each soul can mystically animate more
than one person. Moreover, the Hebrew name for Israel—Yisrael—is an
acronym for Yesh Shishim Ribbuy Otiyot Latorah, there are 600,000
letters in the Torah. (Jerusalem Post, June 1, 2012) (author’s italics)
So could the number 666 ‘be considered a symbolic number’.
The Bible declares: “Here is wisdom. Let
him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the
number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three score and six.”
(Revelation 13:18) Useful superstitions about “The Beast” or Antichrist
can thus be traced to this hokum around the number “6.”
All material evidence to the contrary is
stubbornly declared insignificant, as was the exonerating evidence at
the Nuremberg show trials. The only relevant fact is:
The holocaust dogma of Judaism is an
article of faith and a doctrine of belief of Jewish religious history
adjudicated by their rabbis according to Talmudic law and Kabalistic
tradition. (Ben Weintraub, The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order)
So we have “‘’faith,” “doctrine” and
“belief.” What we don’t have is hard physical proof. “Faith means you
don’t know,” as someone has said. If you don’t know that a crime has
occurred, how can you punish someone for perpetrating it?
As Jewish jazz musician and author Gilad
Atzmon says, “The Holocaust is a complete forgery, initiated by
Americans and Zionists.“ (Ruhr-Nachrichten 2005)
More astounding because it appeared in a
major mainstream French newspaper, as summary to a long
pseudo-historical article under the general title “Menace negationniste”
(“Menace of holocaust denial”), was the assertion:
Everyone is free to refer to this or that
kind of explanation, everyone is ultimately free to imagine or to
fantasize that these monstrous events did not take place.
Unfortunately they did take place and
nobody can deny their existence without abusing the truth. One must not
ask oneself how such mass murder was technically possible. It was
technically pos-
sible because it took place. (Le Monde, February 21, 1979)
sible because it took place. (Le Monde, February 21, 1979)
This pledge of allegiance to the faith
was signed by 34 French historians, all presumably keen to keep their
jobs. One assumes that they were also familiar with the French fantasist
Rabelais, who com-
posed five satirical books entitled The Horrible and Terrifying Deeds and Words of the Very Renowned Pantagruel King of the Dipsodes, Son of the Great Giant Gargantua.
posed five satirical books entitled The Horrible and Terrifying Deeds and Words of the Very Renowned Pantagruel King of the Dipsodes, Son of the Great Giant Gargantua.
As “6 million” merely represents some
token in Jewish dogma, some cabalistic hocus-pocus, there is no reason
to attach any special importance to its numerical value. It is only
rational to recall that there were never 6 million Jews under German
control during the war.
The claim that 5.7 million Jews were
murdered is not true. The number of Jewish victims can only range
between 1 and 1.5 million, because there were not more Jews within
Hitler’s reach. (Ferdinand Otto Miksche, colonel in the French army and a
close aide to Charles de Gaulle, The End of the Present, Herbig, Munich, 1990, p.107)
Statistics for 1919 show 615,021 Jews in
the whole of Germany. (Flächeninhalt und Bevölkerung, October 8, 1919)
Official statistics and censuses before and after the war show hardly
any changes in the numbers of Jews.
This was demonstrated by Swedish author
Einar Aberg in 1959, who, citing official organs of Jewry such as the
American Jewish Committee and mainstream American publications such as The World Almanac,
showed that they did not document a substantially sharp decline during
the years of the war. It stated that in 1936 there were 15,753,633 Jews
worldwide; while in 1949 there were 15,713,638.
These Holocaust deniers are very slick
people. They justify everything they say with facts and figures.
—Chairman, New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education (Newark
Star-Ledger, Oct. 23, 1996, p. 15)
An estimate based on documents held by
the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross arrives at a figure
of 74,000 deaths at Auschwitz, based on the “Auschwitz death books.” The
death books themselves are wartime German camp records, which were
captured by the Soviets toward the end of the war and hidden in Soviet
archives, until released to the Red Cross in 1989 by Mikhail Gorbachov.
The International Red Cross made frequent visits to Auschwitz:
We had not been able to discover any
trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners. This
corroborates a report which we had already received from other sources. .
. . (USA-Today, Friday, May 2, 1997, page 14A)
Furthermore, there exists since 1979 a
document from the Bureau of Vital Statistics in Arolsen, which lists the
certified deaths in each concentration camp of the Third Reich (total
271,304 cases of which 52,389 in Auschwitz). (Bureau of Vital Statistics
Arolsen, case officer Herr [Redacted], Az. I/V-050-Schw. May 11, 1979)
In conclusive proof, both of the nature
of Auschwitz concentration camp and of the implausibility of the charge
that Jews were gassed there—or anywhere at all—the records of the
Auschwitz Kommandantur (commander’s headquarters) appeared in 2000
(Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Munich, 604 pp.). Here are a few extracts:
Commandant’s headquarters order Nr. 9/40.
Auschwitz, November 28, 1940. Communication with prisoners in
protective custody. It must be yet again be affirmed that some SS-men
still call the prisoners to the fence to give them shoes or items of
clothing to be repaired. I must point out that such behavior is not only
forbidden, but that it is also life threatening. . . . The Comman-
dant of Auschwitz concentration camp. Signed Höss, SS-Major.
dant of Auschwitz concentration camp. Signed Höss, SS-Major.
Commandant special order 1/42. Subject:
work on Sundays. If a prisoner is to produce a full amount of work, it
is necessarythat he should also have enough strength, rest and readiness
to approach each week’s stint. For this, he needs Sunday to rest. In
this regard, it is vital to ensure that prisoners in future bathe once a
week, and that the calm of Sunday be used to maintain clothes and all
other items of daily use, which the prisoner needs for his personal
care. Signed, Höss, Major and Commandant.
Sunday work for prisoners. I forbid the
assembly of work details on Sundays for work that is not absolutely
necessary or essential. Prisoners should report for disinfection, bathing etc. and with this to undertake the necessary change of clothes, bed linen and mending of clothes. (author’s italics)
Standortbefehl Nr. 51/43. Auschwitz,
November 16, 1943.Häftlingseigentum. Prisoners‘ property. I have
occasion to point out, for the last time, that prisoners’ property, no
matter what it consists of, or where it is or is seen, must remain
untouched. . . . I expect from every orderly, decent SS-member—and that
will be the majority—that he keeps his eyes open and helps to remove
[Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil, Barnes Review, 2015, pp 7-14]
Menuhin responds to the idea that he is a “self-hating Jew:”
If you are Jewish yourself, and you point
the finger at Jews for their skulduggery, you must either be insane or
hate yourself, or possibly both, they say. You hate them, so you hate
yourself. Hmm. The only sense I can make of this is that, having
recognized the terrible harm Jews have done to the world and continue to
do to it, some Jews hate themselves for being Jewish. Well, that may
indeed be so.
The first “Jewish self-hater” may have
been the Judean Jesus himself, the itinerant preacher who castigated the
money-lenders, thus revealing to the Pharisees that he was not the
useful leader they had been expecting, and sealing his fate. In my case,
as I’ve said, not being actually a Jew according to their laws, I can’t
hate myself for this. Hatred is, in any case, a consuming emotion and
thus an unhealthy one. [p. 389]